eAcademy Activities 2023 (English)

On Friday December 9th Ellert will be hosting the last Seminar of the year. But no despair, we will continue with the eAcademy and elaborate our offering.

What to expect in 2023
- New Seminars and Q&A Sessions with Ellert
- Clinical classes and clinical seminars by Associates
- Supervisions that members can join and participate in
- Discounts for courses and workshops in Europe
- Conference on 8-10 November in Leuven, Belgium

NEW: discounts for professionals based in:
- a low-income country
- a time zone that differ from Europe with more than four hours; thus, GMT-4 or lower and GMT+5 or higher

The eAcademy membership is now set at EUR49 per month or EUR490 per year.

January Activities

As Ellert will be moving house in January, Oliver Pueschel invites you to attend a real Supervision followed by a Q&A session about the supervision. Bettina Mombauer will be hosting a Seminar on "Simple and complex actions in traumatized individuals". So, save the dates:

11-13 January Clinical classes
As of 2023 all "Founding members" will be able to participate in clinical training free of charge during their membership. Would you like join the classes? Contact us.

17 January
11h00 Supervision Session mit Oliver Püschel (DE)
18h30 Supervision Session with Oliver Püschel (EN)

31 January
18h00 Seminar Einfache und komplexe Handlungen bei traumatisierten Personen, Bettina Mombauer (DE)
19h30 Seminar Simple and complex actions in traumatized individuals, Bettina Mombauer (EN)

10 February (10. Februar)
16U45 Seminar Synthese EP, Ellert (DE)
18h00 Seminar Synthesis EP, Ellert (EN)

24 February (24. Februar)
9h00 Q&A Session with Ellert (EN)
10U15 F&A Sitzung mit Ellert (DE)

6 March (6. März)
11U30 Seminar Personifikation EP, Ellert (DE)
12h45 Seminar Personification EP, Ellert (EN)

13 March (13. März)
16h45 Q&A Session with Ellert (EN)
18h00 F&A Sitzung mit Ellert (DE)

30 March - 1 April 2023  
Meisterkurs (DE), Eibelstadt, Deutschland,
nicht in der Mitgliedschaft enthalten.
Weitere Informationen >

31 March
Workshop Enaktiven Traumatherapie (DE), Ingrid Autenrieth-Novak, Eibelstadt, Deutschland.
100 Euro Rabatt für eAcademy-Mitglieder.
